
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.

~George Bernard Shaw

Reflections on Project

This page is dedicated to personal reflection on the challenges and successes in the implementation of the project on fighting traffic corruption. Why traffic corruption.? After spending the last week sifting through various project areas that I could possibly endeavor to undertake, I finally thought of  pursuing something relevant to my current work, something that I could possibly keep alive and since I am passionate about fighting  corruption, I finally settled on working on a project that aims at addressing corruption or bribery among traffic officers in Zambia - that is an 'Ant-Corruption Campaign/Awareness against corruption among traffic officers.' Other than a direct approach of creating programs aimed at traffic officers, I have thought of the involvement of key stakeholders in the traffic realm - Motorists. The ACC and Government have already lined up programmes aimed at institutionalising the prevention of corruption in the Police Service and Road Transport and Safety Agency. Something is already being done in the mainstream institutions - BUT NOT OUTSIDE these institutions. 


  1. Blogging is a completely new thing to me. Its exciting and I see it also requires a lot of though and dedicated time. One of the thoughts that came to my mind was 'How do I get people to know about this blog?' And I began to search for answers. Well I subscribed to google and the other day I read one of posting by a colleague on how to get people on facebook to know about the blog and make them participate on the site. This excited me even more. I quickly set up a facebook page and invited my friends. And so 'Be a Fan' is on the blog.

  2. Am sure some of you have been wondering where the Facebook Fan Page is. Well, about two weeks ago, I got an invitation to join an Ethics and Integrity Group on Facebook. And believe you me, this I think is what I really wanted to do when I initially set up the Fan Page. Fan Page.... NO ONE WAS TALKING. So I did not hesitate to set up the Fighting Traffic Corruption Group. And already there are over 20 members including a colleague from the Road Transport and Safety Agency. Whao.The group is great and vibrant and already people are discussing issues. Check out the link on Home Page and Join Now. I see the power of networking and the power in the networks - SOCIAL CAPITAL.

  3. Almost two months now of working behind the scenes to get this project going. Problem is - attempting to manage a project by remote control. See, the location of the project on fighting traffic corruption is Zambia and this manager is in Australia. Through colleagues at the Anti-Corruption Commission and using the connections and contacts available, the setting has been done. Transparency International is ready to come on board, so is RTSA. But the primary target group - Bus Drivers and Bus Operators - are yet to confirm on the dates for the initial meeting. I guess, one cannot push matters, especially issues pertaining to community involvement, if successful participation and implementation is to be registered.
