
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.

~George Bernard Shaw

Monday, March 29, 2010

Getting Started-Anti Corruption Campaign

Fighting corruption is something I have been involved in for the last couple of years now. It is a difficult task. Changing people's attitude is challenging. There are no immediate results, and it sometimes makes me feel like I have been chasing the wind. But, it can be done,  it's been done before elsewhere. Australia and Hong Kong are classic examples. Its such successes that make me keep going. Although total eradication may be unattainable, the scourge can be reduced to minimal levels, just like other crimes. While this project am embarking on appears  fighting symptoms of corruption, it is also a major effort in the right direction. But  of course addressing the root causes is always the best.

Previously my work involved law enforcement but now am into communication closely linked to community education. I believe that a united front against corruption will carry the day.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tackling Traffic Corruption - Project Proposal

After several days of soul searching, I wish to present to you the project proposal:

Project Title:
Anti-Corruption Campaign against traffic corruption

Project Aim:
This project aims at galvanizing public support against traffic corruption and involves public transport operators as partners in the reduction of traffic corruption. (below is a You Tube video captured by NTV in Kenya depicting the extent of the problem of traffic corruption. This is exactly what happens in Zambia too.)

Project Rationale:
Corruption in Zambia is a reality and a serious challenge to efficient, equitable public service delivery and national development. This project emanate from the fact that traffic corruption in Zambia continues to be rampant and a menace to most motorists as is evident from the reports received by the Anti-Corruption Commission (sector reports), while it is also acknowledged that most cases go unreported due to satisfied benefits of both the giver and the receiver. The project will focus mainly on the supply side of bribes (motorist) while engaging the demand side (law enforcement officers), as key players in this vicious cycle.
Project Action:
The project will employ a number of community engagement strategies in the course of achieving the aim of the project as a collective action. Some of them will include creating awareness among public transport operators and law enforcement officers on the effects of corruption on society and the nation at large through workshops, building coalition and networking between public transport operators and traffic law enforcement officers/ institutions towards tackling the vice through meetings and or forums, seeking public support against the vice through various media channels, advocacy and collaborative planning in identifying measures and steps that can be utilised in addressing the vice.
Risk Identification:
Corruption often involves two players as is the case in this project. In analysing the risks, the key question that arises is ‘Who Benefits from this vice.’ There are some players on both sides who greatly benefit from this vice and will oppose the project or indeed not participate in the implementation of measures to be identified so that they promote the status quo.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thoughts About the Project

I have spent the last week sifting through various project areas that I could possibly tackle and I finally thought of doing something relevant to my situation and work environment, something that I could possibly make use of  at a later stage. And so I have finally settled on working on a project that aims at addressing corruption or bribery among traffic officers in Zambia i.e an 'Ant-Corruption Campaign/Awareness against corruption among traffic officers.' Other than a direct approach of creating programs aimed at traffic officers, I have thought of the involvement of key stakeholders in the traffic realm - Motorist.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Its not easy to come out of a cocoon where you feel so secure and probably would want to stay for as long as it takes. But well, time comes when one has to take a leap into the next dimension of life, and here I am - My Blog. Thanks to inspiration from Dr Lynda Shevellar, University of Queensland, Australia. 

A reflection on this effort gives me a feeling that indeed technology provides a platform with almost limitless boundaries in whatever we do. And so allow me to welcome you all to My Blog.  This blog has been created mainly to discuss a community development project that involves 'collective action.' I will share with you as much as possible my thoughts about it and what is happening around this project. It is my hope that you will feel inspired and contribute to this blog. I therefore wish to invite you to take time and make a comment whenever you can.